Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Do What You Can With What You Have and Do It Now!

  It takes faith to step out and do something that you feel God is calling you to do. Some people will watch you and say that you are not enough. They may criticize you for not being perfect. Some of those same people will never step up to do anything themselves but they will be the first in line to throw rocks. Never, ever listen to people like that. The wise will lift you up and encourage you because they look to the Lord. We can never be perfect and those who want us to be are living in denial. Even if there is no one who ministers to you with words of life, remember where your strength is found. Always know where your hope comes from. Look to the Lord and know that through Him and in His eyes you are always enough.

I wait for the LORD, my soul waits, and in his word I put my hope. Psalm 130:5

Friday, September 7, 2012

Diary of a Book Worm

 Hey look at me, I’m reading a book!  I know that sounds pretty funny but it's been some time since I've  read one. I have been enamoured with books since before I attended grade school. I credit my mom and my big brother Larry with getting me hooked on reading. I cut my teeth on the  ‘Golden Book’ series. Larry would read to me and I would memorize. Through this method  I  caught on to the reading thing and loved it. My primary teachers did not know what to do with me. By second grade a classmate (Glenn Tyson) and I were reading at the sixth grade level.

 When I was introduced to  the bookmobile I thought I had died and went to heaven. I found it hard to believe that a bus load of books came to my school and I could  pick out a stack and borrow them. Was this even legal? You could count on the fact that I would  always get the limit.  Each time I took back the books I had read I would get even thicker ones. It was nothing for me to read a huge book in a short time. I only wish I had kept a list. Books have always been a little sacred to me. I am careful to never bend a book in a compromising way and wouldn't even think of sitting a cup on one. I even love the smell of them; old and new. It only stands to reason that the written word would be precious to me also. 

 Throughout my life I have loved to write and fancied that one day I would be a writer. There were nights as a  youth that I would stay up passed bedtime to write. We were supposed to be sleeping so my little brother Ray had to hold a flashlight for me to see. Sometimes I would tell stories to entertain my little brothers, making them up as I went along. Later when our kids were growing up  I fabricated  stories for them too.

 One of my greatest joys in life is  that our kids picked up the love for books and writing also. I started reading to my kids even before their due date. Once they were born I continued to read to them every day. I had so much fun buying them books. As they got older I encouraged them in anyway I could think of to read and write. Since I had little time to keep it up myself  I was living vicariously through them. I did manage to find the time to take a few writing courses so that I could guide our children to write correctly.

 Then I started having serious eye issues and reading was something I thought I would never do again. I missed it so much. Now my eyes are  better but I just could not get back on that horse. Until this week. I found a book from a favorite author and am so happy to say that my first love is back to stay. As of this moment I can also report that I have picked up writing again. What a glorious day!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

For Such a Time as This

Awesome Team!
 Greetings from the USA! I have been back home for a week now. The mission adventure to the Dominican Republic was truly an awesome time in the Lord.Thank you for your prayers. They were felt. Everything went remarkably well. I have so much to share but the most pressing news I have to report at the moment is that the church we helped bring about in Playa Laguna had its first service over the weekend.70 people attended! The pictures I have included are of the building as it stood before. The middle picture is during the reconstruction. The foundation and the roof were raised.The third picture does not show enough of the new building but I think it gives a good idea of the improvements.The building may be small but the implications of what this means to the town are monumental.What an honor it was for our team to have a hand in this.I got to prime and paint some too. I am in the door way of the team picture.How great it was to work together, 'for such a time as this'. Incidentally, our team flew out to the DR at the beginning of the Jewish holiday, Purim, the celebration of Esther whom God used to change the course of history for the Jews. We are proud to say that God used us to help change the course of the people of the Dominican Republic. Only God Himself knows how many black eyes we have given the Devil. We can not wait to go back and I am looking forward to attending  a service at this neighborhood church in Playa Laguna. It feels great to be used by the Lord! More details and pics to come...
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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Excitement is Rising: Missions Update

Excitement is Rising: Missions Update

We are  leaving in less than two weeks! Praise God for all He has done to get us here. Words can not express how expectant we are for what God has in store. Part of the thrill of working with the Lord is that we do not know  for sure what we will encounter but we can be totally confident that He has already gone before us and will meet us there. What we need for any situation is in Him. He gives us the right words and understanding for any moment. How freeing it is to rest in Him to be all that is needed and then some. We will be stretched and it is always a good thing when we allow God to do that. Prayer is so important in everything we do. Please pray with great expectation with us for all that the Lord will do. He is at work even now doing wonderful things. Come on, lets go! Sink or swim, we're diving in.

Thank you to all who have partnered with us. I will try to blog just before we leave. If anyone still wants to help us out I  am asking that you do not send anything to CCWC at this point. I will give you an address if you text or email.

With great appreciation,
Cheryl Beckwith

With great appreciation,
Cheryl Beckwith

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Monday, February 20, 2012

Dominican Missions Trip Update Feb.20th

Greetings!                                                                               Feb.20,2012
First let me thank all of you who have made donations towards my trip in one way or another. Some have not been able to do that but have assured me they are praying. I thank you all. Our team leaves in just over two weeks.Wow! Where did the time go? We have been so busy preparing that when we look up another week has gone by. These days it seems like two days are passing at a time. What do we have to show for our time? Well, we have a team that has learned to work together well through fundraisers, training and preparation.

Anyone who has ever served as a missionary knows that support does not come easy. One gets very creative in finding ways to earn mone. Asking for donations is a humbling experience. Those who are compelled to go into the field will do whatever it takes to be the Lords hands and feet. Much work is necessary. I have an even greater respect for full time missionaries. To the people who have given me donations and to those who will in the next few weeks; I cannot thank you enough.

This is a perfect time to mention that I am still in need of $300 If you can help me please send your check to the address below.Write my name in the memo. If you want a letter for your tax records please include a note indicating that. Blessings to you. Cheryl Beckwith

Missions c/o CCWC
6825 Trouble Creek Rd

New Port Richey, FL 34653
Cheryl Beckwith/DR trip

Thursday, February 16, 2012

New update on my Dominican Republic Missions trip

We are so excited about what God has planned for us.He is doing a miraculous work in us even now. We are certain that He has planned awesome things for this team and the people we will be working with in the DR.We are seeing His glory every day and  growing closer as we lift each other up in prayer. His word is faithful and we can all count on it in every area and circumstance of our lives.

My Avon fundraiser is over.You can all breathe easy. I will not be tormenting you with reposts of it. A huge thank you goes out to the ones who ordered; also to those who have given me donations and have been praying for me and this mission. What a blessing you are.Thank you so very much.

Now I am asking for donations of things for kids. If you are not able to help me financially would you be able to help in this wonderful way? Do you have a collection of hot wheels you don't need any more? Would you like to donate some kids vitamins? You can repost this. Anyone who wants to donate something just message me. School supplies? Pencils,chock,clay? Let me know.Get your kids involved and let them know they are showing Gods love to children in the Dominican Republic.We need T-towels and nice wash cloths for the ladies.(not white please)Thank you.♥

I'm sure your wondering where I am at in my needs for financial support. Drum roll please......
As of right now I am down to needing $300. Praise God! This is still a need of course and I am still asking for your help but isn't it awesome what God has done? Don't forget that your donations are tax deductible.Make checks out to CCWC and make sure my name is in the corner. Add DR to it as well. I will give you the address of the church. If you want a letter of receipt for your records please indicate that with a note.Thank you from the fullness of my heart.Thank you from the people 
we will be helping in the DR.

Missions Dept.c/o CCWC
6825 Trouble Creek rd
New Port Richey, FL 34653

Make sure you put my name in the corner .
Cheryl Beckwith (DR)